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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 生擒义军叛徒张安国为南宋词人辛弃疾生平的重大事件,但相关史料的记载颇有出入,有的将之记于王世隆名下。现当代的学者虽大多以辛弃疾为此事的“首功”“主角”,但或未详述理由,或者解释勉强。近期,王兆鹏先生在《文学评论》上发表了《重回历史现场——辛弃疾生擒张安国始末考释》一文,对这一事件的前因后果及具体过程进行了较为全面、深入的考证分析,但该文的观点及论证仍有可商榷之处。综合各方史料,擒叛骑兵队名义上的领导者应为王世隆,辛弃疾为谋士和随从的身份,扮演着队伍“大脑”的角色,其智谋为此次行动的成败关键。《魏胜传》中言张安国被擒的地点为济州以及对相关过程的描述具有合理性,不宜完全否定。
关键词: 辛弃疾;张安国;词人;历史
A discussion on the event of Xin Qi-ji capturing Zhang An-guo
FU Jicheng
(College of Literature and Journalism, Xiangtan University, Xiangtan 411105, China)
Abstract: Capturing Zhang An-guo, the traitor to the uprising troops, was a famous event in Xin Qi-ji’s life experiences. However, there have been different records about this event in history, some of which gave the chief credit to Wang Shi-long. Although modern and contemporary scholars mostly believed that Xin Qi-ji was the hero, they did not give an adequate explanation. Recently, Mr. Wang Zhao-peng expounded his views on this topic in an article published in Literature Review, but the question is still open to discussion. Considering all the historical data, the nominal leader of cavalry organized for capturing the traitor should be Wang Shi-long, while Xin Qi-ji, as a counselor and attendant, was the brain of the team, whose wisdom was the key factor in determining whether the event suceeded or failed. The Biography of Wei Sheng recorded the capturing of Zhang An-guo in Ji Zhou and some relative descriptions, which is rational and should not be completely negative.
Key words: Xin Qi-ji; Zhang An-guo; ci poet; history
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