文章编号:1672-3104(2015)05-0175-07 |
民初遗民诗词中的苏轼意象 |
罗惠缙 |
(吉首大学文学与新闻传播学院,湖南吉首,416000) |
摘 要: 苏轼意象不同于苏轼形象,苏轼意象是由具象的人生经历、亲友、遗物、文学图录等与抽象的文化精神(文学精神、文学人物、人格魅力和文化性格)及与其关联的爱情、友情等构成。因苏轼独特的文化精神影响,苏轼经历、心灵的神通等原因,民初遗民借助淞社、超社(逸社)、须社、沤社、白雪词社等社团雅集、酬唱活动,通过对苏轼生日的追忆,表达了对苏轼狂旷谐适的人格精神、人格魅力和文化性格的崇敬与景仰;通过对苏轼图像、遗物、遗迹的吟咏,表达了对苏轼的崇拜与神往;通过对苏轼兄弟情、友情、爱情诗的唱和,表达对普适的人间情爱的肯认与赞颂。分析苏轼意象为了解文化的苏轼、了解苏轼的文学意义提供了参考。 |
关键词: 民初遗民;苏轼意象;东坡生日;东坡笠屐图;苏轼崇拜 |
Images of Su Shi in the Adherents’ poems in the Beginningof the Republic of China |
LUO Huijin |
(College of Literature and Journalism, Jishou University, Jishou 416000, China) |
Abstract: Different from the figure of Su Shi, the image of Su Shi consists of concrete life experiences, relatives and friends, relics, literature catalogues and abstract cultural spirits (literature spirits, literary figures, personality charm, and cultural character) and relative love and friendships. With the help of Songshe, Chaoshe (Yishe), Xushe, Oushe and other poetry clubs, the Adherents in the Beginning of the Republic of China recalled Su Shi’s birthday, expressed the worship and admiration of Su Shi’s broad-minded and adaptive personality, charisma, cultural character through elegant meetings and intercommunion. They also showed their admiration for Su Shi through poems about Su Shi’s relics and images, delivered the accreditation and glorification to mortal love. The analysis of the images of Su Shi would provide references to the study of the cultural and literary meanings of Su Shi. |
Key words: Adherent’s poems in the Beginning of the Republic of China; the images of Su Shi; Dongpo’s birthday; Dongpo with sandals and bamboo hat; the worship of Su Shi |