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自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 作为对公民基本权利限制程度较高的刑事强制措施,指定居所监视居住制度在适用过程中虽然存在适用率低、成本高、风险大等不利因素,却仍然被侦查机关视为保障刑事侦查的有效措施。但是因为指定居所监视居住存在的诸多问题,导致其正当性受到质疑。以基本权利保障为视角,通过合宪性审查,明确该限制行为的违宪性事由未被完全阻却,不能称之为完全合宪性干预。必须运用法律解释等方法对“模糊”的指定居所监视居住制度进行规范性解读;通过提高立法技术,完善指定居所监视居住制度,补强明确性及本质内容保障不足之弊端,阻却违宪事由,确立指定居所监视居住的正当性宪法地位。
关键词: 违宪性审查;权力配置;程序性制裁;权利救济;指定居所监视居住
The constitutionality and perfection of residential surveillance system of the designated home: Taking governance modernization as the background
LIU Yachang,WANG Chao
(People’s Protectorate of Cang Zhou, Cangzhou 061001, China;
He Bei Branch, Construction Bank of China, Shijiazhuang 050000, China)
Abstract: As a high degree of restriction on citizens’ basic rights of criminal compulsory measures, residential surveillance system of the designated home, although bearing such negative factors in the process of application as low availability, high cost and risk, is still considered by investigation organization as the effective measure of safeguarding criminal investigation. But the above-mentioned problems of residential surveillance over the designated dwelling lead to the fact that its legitimacy has been questioned. And it is not completely constitutionality intervention to clear the unconstitutional causes of the limited behavior without being fully deterrent in the perspective of basic rights and through the review of constitutionality. We must adopt legal method to interpret specifically and normatively the “fuzzy” residential surveillance system of the designated home so that the system can be perfected by improving the legislation technology, that some loopholes such as lack of clarity and inadequate security of the essential content can be detected and reinforced, that causes for breaking against constitutionality can be resisted, and that legitimate constitutional status of surveillance residence can be established.
Key words: Unconstitutional review; Power configuration; Procedural sanctions; Right remedy; Designated place to residential surveillance
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