文章编号:1672-3104(2008)05−0598−06 |
国内企业境外上市的动机及市场选择策略研究 |
周煊,林小艳 |
(对外经济贸易大学国际商学院,北京,100029) |
摘 要: 文章分析了国内企业境外上市的现状、理论动机和现实动机,综合比较了境外主要资本市场特点,指出国内企业境外上市的资本市场选择因素主要包括境外交易所的定位、上市门槛及费用、市场规模和市场流动性。 |
关键词: 中国企业;境外上市;资本市场;企业国际化 |
Motivations and selection strategies of Chineseoverseas-listed
enterprises |
ZHOU Xuan, LIN Xiaoyan |
(School of Business, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing 100029) |
Abstract: In recent years, more and more Chinese enterprises chose to list overseas. First of all the paper analyzes the status quo and the motivations of those enterprises issuing overseas. Then the authors make comparison of the characteristics of major security markets, on what bases to put forward the selection strategies of Chinese overseas-Listed enterprises,including the different positioning of oversea capital markets, the issuing regulations and fees, the scale of capital market and the market liquidity. |
Key words: Chinese Enterprises; issuing overseas; overseas capital market; internationalization of the firm |