文章编号:1672-3104(2015)05-0065-07 |
论3D打印产品设计图作品的使用者利益——以美国判例为启示 |
瞿昊晖 |
(中南大学法学院,湖南长沙,410083) |
摘 要: 数字技术以及网络技术所带动的3D打印技术的发展,可能使3D打印产品设计图作品的使用为著作权人所垄断。因此,如何明确设计图作品使用者的权益,成为一个值得探讨的问题。从著作权法的实践可知,认定使用者权益的实质在于使用行为的分析与使用者身份的区分。结合3D打印使用行为的内容以及使用者的身份可知,默示许可、首次销售规则、合理使用构成了三种不同的路径,默示许可着重于许可协议的补充,首次销售规则关注使用权的转让,而合理使用则是对使用行为的兜底性考量。 |
关键词: 3D打印;产品设计图;默示许可;首次销售;合理使用;使用者利益 |
On the users’rights of 3D printing product design: a case study of American copyright law |
QU Haohui |
(School of Law, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China) |
Abstract: With the development of 3D printing and network technologies, the 3D printingproduct design may be monopolized by the copyright holder. Therefore, to identify users’ rights has become a problem worthy of discussion. From the uses of 3D printing and the identities of users, there are such three different approaches as implied license, first sale rules and fair use, of which the first emphasizes the supplement provision, the second concerns the right of transfer, and the third is a miscellaneous provision for uses. |
Key words: 3D printing;product design;implied license;first sale;fair use;users’rights |