自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 学衡派与新文化派共同参与了近代中国最重要的伦理启蒙。两派伦理论争的核心在于伦理精神的不同,这源于各自不同的世界观、人性论和价值观。新文化派持进化论、唯物论以及科学的世界观,认为人性自然,趋乐避苦,人人都有满足人性欲求的自由,自由即是新的伦理精神。学衡派坚持“一”“多”融合的世界观和善恶二元的人性论。主张以理制欲,归于“中道”的伦理精神,认为新文化派的主张使人流于自然,堕于禽兽。两派均未忽略伦理精神的“中道”性质,但因批判对象不同而有所侧重,从而导致某种失衡。虽然两派的伦理精神具有互补性,但救亡压倒启蒙的现实,致使中国伦理精神的近代转型在新文化派的主导下失去了应有的平衡,甚至分裂。今天的伦理困境就源于这伦理精神的分裂。
关键词: 新文化派;学衡派;伦理精神;自由;中道
Ethical spirit: the core of ethical debate between theXueheng School and the New Culture School
FANG Xuhong
(College of Humanities, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, China)
Abstract: Both the Xueheng School and the New Culture School participated in the most important ethical enlightenment in modern China. And the core of their debate lay in their different ethical spirits, which stemmed from their different views of the world, human nature and values. The New Culture School held evolution, materialism and scientific worldview. They pursued happiness and avoid suffering, believing that human nature is natural, that everyone has the freedom to meet the natural desires, and that the freedom is new ethical spirit. The Xueheng School, on the other hand, adhered to dialectical worldview between “one” and “many” as well as the duality of human nature between good and evil. They advocated the ethical spirit that desire should be limited to the Mean. They criticized the idea of the New Culture School in that it made people degenerated like animals. Both sides did not ignore the Mean of ethical spirit, but their different critical objects and focuses led to some imbalance. Although both ethical spirits were complementarity, the modern transformation of Chinese ethical spirit lost its balance under the dominance of the New Culture School and even split, owing to the reality of Salvation overpowering Enlightenment. And the ethical dilemma at the present originates from such division of ethical spirits.
Key words: the Xueheng School; the New Culture School; ethical spirit; freedom; the Mean
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