自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 黑格尔受启蒙思想影响遵循理性精神,基于辩证的方法展开艺术哲学思想的讨论。他将“自由”范畴用于确立古希腊的艺术理想范式,同时也将自由置于主体哲学的视域阐释艺术的本质,即艺术处在人的精神世界实现绝对自由境界的过程之中。作为自由他者的音乐特性及感性因素的自由原则,音乐艺术的自由表达与主体在自由中达成和解。他反对戏剧冲突的性格刻画及个性凸显超越理想的创作方式,对他那个时代之后艺术发展的特征及趋势提出批判性预见,他的艺术观念对理解与把握艺术本质及解决艺术存在的现代性问题同样具有效力。
关键词: 黑格尔;自由;他者;音乐艺术;主体性
The realization of freedom and the Other: Study on Hegel’s philosophy of music
ZHANG Luqian
(School of Philosophy, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China;
Research Institue of Humanities, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China)
Abstract: Inspired by the enlightenment thought which follows rational spirit, Hegel discussed the philosophy of art in the dialectical way. He used the scope of freedom as the foundation of ancient Greek ideal paradigm of art and also saw freedom as the nature of the interpretation of art through the vision of subject philosophy. That is, art lies in the process when human spirit achieves realm of absolute freedom. This essay discusses the free expression of music and art and the harmonization between subject and music in freedom, based on freedom principle which describes the musical characteristics and emotional elements of the free Other. He opposed the characterization through dramatic conflicts and the creation which highlighted personality over ideal, and also made critical foresight on the characteristics and trends of the artistic development after him. His artistic concept exerted effective functions on understanding the nature of art and solving the modernity problem of the existence of art.
Key words: Hegel; freedom; the Other; musical art; subjectivity
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