自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 在《失乐园》中,亚当的正当理性与选择涉及弥尔顿的古典资源与神学思想之间的复杂关系。通过区分自然法与实在法,可以说明正当理性与选择之间并无抵牾。上帝赋予亚当自然法,使其可以遵从正当理性。但是有关知识树果子的命令属于实在法,与正当理性不自动相合,因此亚当才有了真正意义上的选择。《失乐园》中自由选择(free choice)与真正的自由(true liberty)之间实有差异:前者对应亚当自由选择的能力,后者则是他遵从正当理性的结果。亚当在吃知识树的果子时,行使了自由选择,但他选择的是夏娃,而非遵守上帝的命令。这一事件的后果之一便是正当理性被蒙蔽,亚当从此失去了真正的自由。
关键词: 弥尔顿;《失乐园》;正当理性;自由选择;真正的自由
On Adam’s right reason and choosing in Paradise Lost
CUI Mengtian
(School of Foreign Languages, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China)
Abstract: In Paradise Lost, Adam’s right reason and choosing involves the complex relation between Milton’s classical thoughts and theological ideas. The article, by distinguishing positive law from the law of nature, contends that right reason and choosing are not contradictory. God implants the law of nature in Adam to teach him things agreeable to right reason, while God’s command about the Tree of Knowledge belongs to the positive law which is not intrinsically in accordance with right reason. Thus, Adam can make a choice in the real sense. Moreover, the free choice (or freedom to choose) should be distinguished from true liberty in the epic. The former refers to the ability of free choosing, whereas the latter denotes the outcome of choosing in accordance with right reason. In tasting the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, Adam exercises his freedom to choose, yet what he has chosen is Eve rather than obeying God’s command. One of the consequences of this event is the privation of the right reason and Adam henceforth loses his true liberty.
Key words: Milton; Paradise Lost; the right reason; free choice (freedom to choose); true liberty
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