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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 京、沪、穗城乡结合部流动人口定居意愿并未发生真正的代际更替,其流动方式仍以“乡—城—乡”循环为主。该方式虽是其生存策略,但也伴随着低生活质量、骨肉分离和子女成长环境恶化等问题。城市政府既要为循环流动人口提供属地化服务,也要为其未来返乡提供帮扶。鉴于买房、租房定居意愿、社区参与和融入等均与定居意愿显著正相关,城市政府在中低收入流动人口公共住房供给上应公租房与经济适用房兼采,在选址上应采取“大杂居、小聚居”模式。在高房价、高房租以及属地化服务缺位的背景下,一线城市城乡结合部流动人口定居意愿有就地定居意愿薄弱、家庭式流动与定居意愿关联不大等特殊性。
关键词: 城乡结合部;流动人口;居住因素;定居意愿
Analysis of the impact of the generalized living factors on themigrating population’s settlement intention: a case study of themigrating population in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou
XIE Baofu, LI Yang, XIAO Li
(School of Public Administration, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China)
Abstract: In Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, the settlement intention of the urban-rural migrating population has not undergone any real replacement, and their pattern mainly follows the “Rural-Urban-Rural” cycle. This pattern is the living strategy for the migrating population, but is accompanied by such problems as low quality of life, family separation, and the deterioration of the kids’ growing environment. The municipal government should provide not only localized services to the circulating population, but also support for them to return home in the future. Considerations of buying house or renting to settle down, participating and integrating into the community significantly influence the migrating population’s settlement intention. Therefore, the municipal government should combine public rental services and affordable housing in housing supply for the low-income migrating population, and adopt “major mixture, minor settlement” mode in site selection. In the context of high housing prices, high tents and shortage or absence of localized services, the settlement intention of the urban-rural migrating population in the first-tier cities bears such pecutliar characteristics as weak willingness to settle down locally and weak relevance between family-style migration and settlement intention.
Key words: urban-rural district; migrating population; living factors; settlement intention
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