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自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 《列子》中所引《黄帝书》,两处又见于今见《老子》,但在《列子》一书中,明显出现了引用《黄帝书》与“老聃之言”两种引言体例。通过与传世文献及出土文献对读,对所引材料从语言内部逻辑性与外部上下文语境辨析认为,《列子》中所引《黄帝书》为直接引用,其文字又见于《老子》,是《老子》借鉴了《黄帝书》;所引“老聃之言”其文字与今见《老子》虽相似但并不完全一致,似为《老子》经典化之前列子学派口传之物,当时很有可能经过后人荟萃而成的《老子》定本还未形成。厘清这些问题,可以更好地认识《老子》的材料来源、早期形态、传播形式、文献体系等问题。列子学派在道家发展过程中具有承前启后的地位,前承黄学与老学,向后其贵虚与循名思想为黄老学派先驱。
关键词: 《列子》;《黄帝书》;老聃之言;列子学派;地位
Discrimination on Huangdi Book and Laotzu’s words referenced in Liezi: also on the role of Liezi School in Taoism
LAI Senhua
(College of Literature, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou 730070, China)
Abstract: Tworeferences in Liezi which are cited fromHuangdi Bookare also referenced in today’s Laozi. Many previous scholars thought that HuangdiBook had copied Laozi. However, there are two kinds of styles of quoting obviously from other books such as Huangdi Book and Laotzu’s words. By reading related documents handed down or unearthed, we discriminate the quoted materials between language’s interior and periphery. On the one hand, we think that Laozi copies the Huangdi Book. In other words, quoting Huangdi Book in Liezi belongs to direct reference. On the other hand, we believe that the characters about Laodans Words referenced inLiezi are not entirely consistent with today’s Laozi, which seems to be the product of oral propagation. Laozimay have been shaped not by that time, but through efforts of later generations. Only by clarifying these doubts, can we better understand its material source, early formation, transmission form, literature system, and so on. Liezi School is transitional in the development of Taoism, inheriting Huang School and Lao School before it and functions as the forerunner for the related thoughts in later Huang-Lao School.
Key words: Liezi; Huangdi Book;Laotzu’s words;Liezi School;status
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