自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 苏北S市作为经济欠发达地区,农村男性劳动力的大量外出为留守妇女参与乡村自治腾出了政治空间,她们理应成为乡村自治的主体。但调查数据显示,留守妇女在参与乡村自治的广度和深度上并未改变一贯的窘境。分析表明,这是组织、制度、观念、物质利益及文化教育等多重因素综合作用的结果。因此,应将性别平等意识纳入乡村政治发展的决策主流,在现今中国男性主导的政治权力结构中,坚定不移地贯彻“男女平等”基本国策,加大法律制度层面的建设,以强制性的制度安排,确保留守妇女一定比例的实质性参与,逐步提高她们在乡村自治中的主体地位。
关键词: 留守妇女;乡村自治;妇女政治主体地位;性别平等意识;法律制度设计
An empirical study on the political participation status ofrural women left behind in village autonomy: a case study of S city in northern Jiangsu Province
LI Xiaoguang
(Research Center of Political Civilization and Rural Development,
Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China)
Abstract: In S city in norther Jiangsu Province which is an und, erdeveloped area, a great number of male labor go away to the city, leaving behind women and offering them enough space who inevitably become the Subject and main body in rural autonomy. But the data show that the breadth and depth of participation in village self-government of these left-behind women did not change their persistent dilemma. Analysis reveals that this is the comprehensive effect of multiple factors including organization, system, idea, material interests and cultural education. Therefore, we should take the conciousness of gender equality into the decision-making mainstream of the rural political development. That is, in the male-dominated society in China, we should implement consistently our basic national policy of “gender equality,” especially to strengthen the design and construction of legal system andthe compulsory system arrangement to ensure a certain proportion of such women’s substantive participation.Only in this way, can we gradually improve these women’s status of the Subject in the village autonomy
Key words: left women; the village autonomy; the main political status of women; the consciousness of gender equality; the design of the legal system
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