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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 已知王国维《优语录》有《国粹学报》本和《盛京时报》本两种版本,而《申报》上刊载的《优语录》可确定为王国维《优语录》的又一版本。以初版的《国粹学报》本为参照,从序言、内容等方面展现了《申报》本的原貌与特点,认定其为《国粹学报》本的删减本。并就《申报》与王国维的关系、《申报》本为何是删减本、《申报》本的发现与定本的确立这三个问题进行了分析。认为《申报》本的重要意义不只在于新文献的发现,更在于版本变化中显现出的问题,应关注版本变化后所折射的思想变化。
关键词: 王国维;《优语录》;版本研究;《申报》
The new discovery of Wang Guowei’s You Yu Lu in Shen Bao edition
WANG Wenjun
(School of Chinese Literature, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China)
Abstract: It has been known that Wang Guowei’s You Yu Lu has two editions: Guo Cui Xue Bao and Sheng Jing Shi Bao. Now another edition was discovered in Shen Bao, which was absolutely written by Wang Guowei. The Shen Bao one can be identified as another version of Wang Guowei’s You Yu Lu. Based on the original You Yu Lu in Guo Cui Xue Bao, this essay describes the preface and content of the You Yu Lu in Shen Bao, which is estimated as the bowdlerized version of the Guo Cui Xue Bao. Besides, the essay also discusses the relationship between Wang Guowei and Shen Bao, the reason why the Shen Bao version is the bowdlerized one, and which one is the final version. Finally, the essay points out that the differences among the three versions are more important than the discovery of the new edition and that focus should be placed on the changes of the three versions which can reflect the changes of Wang Guowei’s development of thoughts.
Key words: Wang Guowei; You Yulu; Study of Edition; Shen Bao
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