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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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沈红宇1, 2,杨军1
(1. 安徽大学文学院,安徽合肥,230039;2. 湖南文理学院文史学院,湖南常德,415000)
摘  要: 重纽韵舌齿音与重纽两类的关系如何,重纽两类区别何在及如何拟音,是音韵学界多年来讨论多分歧大的问题。慧琳音义景审序“企以智为叠韵……盖所不取”,为重纽舌音归类问题的解决提供了重要的线索。通过景审序的重新解读以及王三、慧琳音义重纽韵知组字的考察,可以肯定,舌音本身是B类性质的,随同B类变化。原《切韵》重纽韵内部A、B两类介音的对立,在慧琳时代已演变为不同三等韵间主要元音的对立,重纽韵已不复独立存在, 原《切韵》的四等格局也归并为三等格局。
关键词: 重纽;慧琳;《一切经音义》;景审
The redundant syllable in rhyme tablesin Hui Lin’s Yiqiejing Yinyi:from Jing Shen’s preface
SHEN Hongyu1, 2, Yang Jun1
(1. School of Literature, Anhui University, Hefei 230039, China;
 2. Literature and History Institute, Hunan University of Arts and Science, Changde 415000, China)
Abstract: What is the relationship between the redundant syllable in rhyme tables and the rhyme tables, how the two types of the rhyme tables can be differentiated, and how sound can be imitated, all these have been controversial issues in Chinese phonology academia. The preface by Jing Shen (景审) to Hui Lin’s Yiqiejing Yinyiwith the words “Qi and Zhi in the same rhyme…not adopted,” provides an important clue to the solution of the lingual classification problem in Chongniu characters (重纽韵). From the re-interpreted preface and the pronunciation analysis of Zhi group (知组) in Chongniu characters of Wangsan(王三) and Hui Lin’s Yiqiejing Yinyi, we can surely see that linguals are of the nature of Class B, and change together with B. Original internal opposition on medials between Class A and Class B in Qie Yun(《切韵》) became the new external one on  main vowels between different third division (三等韵), and Chongniu characters ceased to exist, and the original structure of four classes are amalgamated into three classes in Hui Lin’s Yiqiejing Yinyi.
Key words: redundant syllable in rhyme tables; Hui Lin; Yiqiejing Yinyi; Jing Shen
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