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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 随着市场逐步开放和国家“走出去”战略的实施,中国民营企业国际化步伐在不断加快,但并未形成自身的核心竞争力,国际化经营绩效不明显并参差不齐。选择147家样本民营企业,对提取的21个内部因素进行因子分析后得到企业的盈利能力f1、资产-权益周转能力f2、行业-偿债能力f3、资产-帐款周转能力f4、企业规模f5、股成长能力f6、企业的收入-资产成长能力f7等7个公共因子,以此作为自变量,以海外主营业务收入增长率(JWZZ)、海外主营业务收入/企业主营业务总收入(JWZT)以及海外主营业务收入额(JWSR)为因变量进行逐步回归分析,结果表明,影响JWSR的因子有f5、f2、f4、f6,影响JWST的因子有f2和f3,影响JWZZ的因子有f1和f7。
关键词: 民营企业;国际化经营绩效;海外主营业务收入;企业能力;回归分析
An empirical analysis of inner factors affecting the performance of internationalization of China’s private enterprises
FENG Zhengqiang
(Business School, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China)
Abstract:  With the gradually opening up of the market and the implementation of the nation’s “going global” strategy, China's private enterprises are accelerating the pace of internationalization, yet they have not formed their own core competitiveness. The operation performance of internationalization is uneven and not obvious. This paper, based on the chosen 147 sample-private enterprises, analyzes 21 inner influencing factors extracted from the enterprises above, and then gains seven common factors: the profitability of enterprise (f1), revolving ability of assets-rights and interests (f2), solvency of the debt of the industry (f3), revolving ability of assets and funds on account (f4), scale of enterprise (f5), growth capability of the stock (f6), growth capability of income and asset of enterprise (f7). All the seven factors are considered as independent variables, while the growth rate of main business revenue overseas (JWZZ), the main business revenue overseas/total revenue of the main business of enterprises (JWST) and the amount of the main business revenue (JWSR) are the dependent variables. The results of regressive analysis showed that factors such as f5, f2, f4 and f6 exerted impact on JWSR, while f2 and f3 had influence on JWST, and the factors affecting JWZZ were f1 and f7.
Key words:  Private enterprises; Operation performance of internationalization; The main business revenue overseas, business capability, regressive analysis
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