文章编号:1672-3104(2014)06-0277-07 |
试论清代浙西词派的重新分期 |
刘深 |
(广西大学行健学院,广西南宁,530005) |
摘 要: 在晚清词坛,仍有众多词家遵循浙派词风,浙派依然具有极强的生命力,浙派对词坛的影响依然很大。通过考察清代词风的嬗变,应以嘉庆七年为界,将浙西词派分为前后两期。在浙派前期的发展中,康熙十七年和雍正三年是重要的节点,前者标志浙派的形成,后者标志浙派鼎盛期的到来。而在浙派后期的发展过程中,道光十一年与光绪九年均是浙派发展的重要转折点。前者标志浙派与常派在词学理论上并峙局面的形成,后者标志了浙派在创作上亦进入了衰落期。 |
关键词: 晚清;浙派;常派;词史;词风;词派 |
On the stages of Ci school of western Zhejiang province |
LIU Shen |
(College of Xingjian Science and Liberal Arts, Guangxi University, Nanning, Guangxi 530005, China) |
Abstract: Ci school of western Zhejiang Province was one of the most influential Ci schools in Qing Dynasty. This paper deals with the process of development of Ci school of western Zhejiang Province, questions the view of Yan Di Chang, who believes that Ci school of western Zhejiang Province can be divided into three stages before, during and after. The seventh year of Jiaqing. The author believes that Ci school of western Zhejiang Province should be sent to seven–year of Jiaqing for the sector, which is divided into two phases before and after that year. In the later part of the development of Ci school of western Zhejiang Province. The 11th year of Daoguang and nine-year Guangxu is an important turning point. The former marks equal status in Ci theory, while the latter marks the of creation Ci school of western Zhejiang Province having entered a period of decline. |
Key words: Ci school of western Zhejiang Province; Changzhou Ci school; the late Qing Dynasty; History of Ci; styles of Ci; School of Ci |