自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 东道国的要素禀赋、制度质量及制度差异对FDI的流动将产生怎样的影响?通过研究发现:东道国的要素禀赋、制度质量、历史经历及加入相关组织对FDI流入具有重要影响,但在不同国家具有显著差异。在高、中收入组,FDI更多的受“市场”因素驱动,而在低收入组,FDI存有依赖“政府庇护”寻求发展的“非典型化事实”;与高收入组相比,FDI在中、低收入组具有更为明显的“制度接近性”特征。
关键词: 外商直接投资;要素禀赋;制度;国家;区位;引力模型
Factor Endowments, System Characteristics and the FDI Flows——An empirical study based on the investment-gravity mode
LIU Haiping, SONG Yihong, WEI Wei
(School of Economics and Finance, Xi’an jiaotong University, Xi’an 710061, China)
Abstract: By introducing factor endowments and institutional characteristics into the investment gravity model, this paper has carried on an empirical analysis of their relations such as factor endowments of the host country and the FDI flows, institutional characteristics of the host country and the FDI flows, factors interacting and the FDI flows, and the difference of institution and the FDI flows. The results are as follows: it has a widespread influence on the host country's economic size, the distance of bilateral trade and the FDI flows. Many factors, including factor endowments, institutional quality of the host country and joining relevant organization have significant impacts on the FDI inflows, but they shows significant difference in the countries (regions). FDI has been driven by the “market” factors in the high-and middle-income groups, but it has relied on “government asylum” to develop “non typical facts” in the low-income group. Compared with the high income group, FDI has more obvious “system approach” characteristics in low-and middle-income groups.
Key words: foreign direct investment; elements endowment; system; country; location; gravity mode
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