文章编号:1672-3104(2014)04-0264-06 |
现代汉语“好(你/一)个X”构式分析 |
尹海良 |
(山东大学(威海)文化传播学院,山东威海,264209) |
摘 要: 汉语口语存在一个典型构式“好(你/一)个X”。在结构语义上该构式可以分化为三个小类:好(你)个+消极性词语NP;好(你)个+表人名词或短语NP;好(一)个+NP/VP。构式“好(你/一)个X”的构式义是“结构赋义”的结果,三个小类在语境适切性、定指与不定指、焦点结构及主观性等方面各有其独特的语用特点。基于真实文本语料分析了构式的外部结构关系,“好(你)个X”通常前置,而“好一个X”倾向于陈述维度,可前置也可后置。最后分析讨论了构式形成的几个可能动因,如类推、非常规语序、反向认知、叠加强化和去范畴化等。 |
关键词: 现代汉语;好(你/一)个X;构式;结构赋义 |
An analysis of the construction “Hao(Ni/Yi)Ge X” of Modern Chinese |
YIN Hailiang |
(School of Culture and Communication, Shandong University at Weihai, Weihai 264209, China) |
Abstract: There is a construction in modern spoken Chinese. This construction consists of three semantic types, showing special pragmatic features at contest pertinence, fixed referent and non-referent, information focus and subjectivity. Based on the real corpus, this paper discusses its outside structure, followed by a discussion about the several possible motivations of the Construction, such as analogy, unconventional sequence, reverse cognition strengthening and decategorization. |
Key words: modern Chinese; Hao(Ni/Yi)Ge X; construction; meanings of construction |