文章编号:1672-3104(2014)04-0226-06 |
试论姚振宗《七略佚文》的误失 |
孙振田 |
(西安工业大学人文学院,陕西西安,710032;陕西师范大学文学院,陕西西安,710119) |
摘 要: 在诸家《七略》辑本中,姚振宗《七略佚文》无疑是一部成功之作,但也存在一些误失,主要包括两个方面:一是将《汉志》班固注整体上(极少数除外)作为佚文予以辑录,有所不当;二是某些具体的佚文辑录及书籍的还原处理等存在着明显的误失:将班固所自作之注作为《七略》之佚文予以辑录;对《汉志》所“省”之书籍的还原著录尚存未至之处;对有些书籍篇数的还原失于准确;个别书籍还原著录时的类别归属有误。 |
关键词: 姚振宗;《七略佚文》;班固;刘向;《汉志》;《别录》 |
On erros in the edition of Qi Lue compiled by Yao Zhenzong |
SUN Zhentian |
(School of Humanities, Xi’an Technological University, Xi’an 710032, China;
Language and Literature College, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an 710119, China) |
Abstract: Among a vast array of editions of Qi Lue, Yao Zhenzong’s version can be considered as a real tour de force. However, two drawbacks emerge: the annotation of Han Zhi by Ban Gu is virtually all compiled, which can be controversial. The selection of some specific lost articles and the handling of books can pose questions. Meanwhile, these downsides can be categorized into four aspects: the selection of Ban Gu’s annotation by himself as lost articles; the inadequate cover of works axed in Han Zhi; the inapt number of articles; the amiss classification of books. This paper uncovers and rectifies these mistakes. |
Key words: Yao Zhenzong; The lost works of Qi Lue; Ban Gu; Liu Xiang; Han Zhi(History of the Han Dynasty); Bie Lu (Revisionist Records) |