自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 作为一种元哲学意义上的理论,过程思想从其产生的时候开始就以一种隐含的“公理”存在于各种哲学思潮之中。马克思哲学作为一种新的世界观所彰显的历史唯物主义的特有向度,也必然地内蕴着这种思想。马克思的过程思想是通过历史、实践和人互相关联的三个关键概念来展开论述的。马克思哲学的立脚点是现实的人,历史和实践都是建立在人的现实活动而展开的,而人的存在就是人的现实生活过程,人的全面自由发展、人的自我价值的实现都是处在相应的历史过程之中的。马克思的过程思想从根本上可以说是关于人的存在、发展及其自我实现的过程的思想。过程思想是理解马克思哲学实质的一个重要的发展线索。
关键词: 马克思哲学;过程思想;历史;实践;人;怀特海
An analysis of process thought in Marxian philosophy
LIU Honglin
(Criminal Investigation Department, Criminal Police University of China, Shenyang 110854, China)
Abstract: As a theory resource of meta philosophy, process thought has been considered as a kind of implicit “axiom” existing in all sorts of philosophical thought. As a kind of new world outlook, Marxian philosophy highlights the characteristic orientation of historical materialism. It also necessarily implies process thought, although Marx did not put forward a clear concept of it. In fact, Marx’s process thought is discussed through the three related key concepts of history, practice and human. The foothold of Marxian philosophy is the reality person. The move of History and Practice are based on the reality the activity, and the existence of Human is the process of man’s real life. The person’s comprehensive free development and the realization of self value of Human is in the corresponding historical process. So process is one of the features of formation of human nature. Fundamentally, Marxian process thought is on the thought of the existence, the development and the self-realization of Human. Process thought is an important development clue to understand the nature of Marxian philosophy.
Key words: Marxian philosophy; process thought; history; practice; human; Whitehead
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