自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 失信已泛化为社会普遍现象,通过建构社会诚信体系进行“救赎”是学界和实务界的共同主张。传统诚信观念整体性的破裂预示着道德诚信社会控制主体地位的丧失。社会分工、人口流动和个人主义在社会发展中扮演着推动诚信体系重塑的关键角色,呼唤保障诚信的权威策略。现代社会诚信体系的建构应以摆脱将“社会诚信体系”等同于“社会信用体系”的认识论错误为肇始,通过知情权、隐私权、信用权等诚信权利的实践树立国家诚信法治立场。超越法治,吸纳和借鉴“非国家法”资源,与道德教化、合作治理相结合,借力于正式规则和非正式规则的协作,才能成就“诚信中国”的梦想与蓝图。
关键词: 社会诚信体系;传统诚信观念;权利实践;道德教化;合作治理
Transcending nomocracy: the rule governance of social integrity system
LEI Yancun
(School of Politics and Public Administration, Southwest University of Political Science and Law,
 Chongqing 401120, China)
Abstract: Lack of social integrity has been a general phenomenon in society. Redemption through construction of social integrity system is a consensus of academic and practical field. The overall fracture of traditional integrity indicates the loss of moral integrity as the principal position of social control. Division of labor in society, population mobility and individualism play important roles in promoting the reshaping of integrity system in social development. It is time to call for authority policies to protect integrity. Construction of a modern social integrity system should get rid of the wrong epistemology that “social integrity system” is equivalent to “social credit system”. By practicing the right to know, the privacy right, the credit right and other rights of integrity, the nomocracy position of national integrity should be established. Transcending nomocracy, absorbing and learning from “non-national law” resources, combining with moral education and cooperative governance, relying on the collaboration of formal rules and informal rules can realize dreams and blueprints of “integrity China”.
Key words: social integrity system; traditional values of integrity; rights practice; moral education; cooperative governance
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