自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 土改结束后不久农村就出现了地权变动,新区农村党建工作正是在这一背景下展开的。按照中共中央的部署,农村建党过程中必须结合整党来进行,即提高积极分子的觉悟与整顿党员的思想。鉴于新区农村的实际情况,其基本方针为整建结合,以建为主。首先是对积极分子与候补党员进行思想规训,并在互助合作运动中考察他们的行为,使他们在合作化浪潮中扮演了积极的示范角色。同时,通过建立与加强对党在农村的细胞组织——支部的管理,使支部在管理党员、组织生产及领导互助合作运动中占据了核心地位。新区农村党组织的建立,为地权变动中的乡村社会顺利实现所有制转型发挥了不可忽视的作用,且为当今农村党建工作提供了若干启示。
关键词: 地权变动;农村;建党;支部;
On the building of the Party in newly seized rural areas in the background of transforming of land-ownership (1952—1954) ——Based on the Da County in north area of Sichuan
HE Zhiming
(Department of History, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China)
Abstract: There was a transforming of land-ownership in countryside after the land reform, which was the background of the building of the Party. According to the arrangement of center of CCP, the building of the Party must be implemented associating with the consolidating it in order to improve the consciousness of the members of the Party. The basic guiding principle which was both consolidating and building was emphasized, but the latter was of primary significance. Firstly, the Party has disciplined the thought of activists and candidates, observed their behavior and played an exemplary role in the movement of Collectivization. Meanwhile, the branches of the Party, which were set at the heart of managing members, organizing produce and leading the Collectivization, were built and strengthened. Therefore, the building of the Party branch has made the transforming of land-ownership successful in countryside and provided some inspirations in the same filed nowadays.
Key words: transforming of land-ownership; rural areas; building of the Party; Party branch
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