文章编号:1672-3104(2014)03-0240-06 |
——从州县建置的角度 |
文媛媛 |
(陕西师范大学历史文化学院,陕西西安,710062) |
摘 要: 《旧唐书•地理志》多数州府均有两组领县和户口数字,分别记为“旧领”“天宝领”,个别府州另有记为“天宝后”“领县”“元和领”“今领”的领县情况。根据州县建置及变动情况,可将这些不同时期的领县及所领户口的年份大致推定为:“旧领”为贞观十三年,“天宝领”为天宝十三年,“天宝后”为天宝十四年至乾元年间,“元和领”为元和十四、五年,“今领”为大中后至光启三年,“领县”多为天宝末至宝应年间。《新唐书•地理志》各州只有一组领县和户口数字,除京兆府下有“天宝元年领县”字样外,其余州府均直接记为“领县”。《新志》所记户口与《旧志》“天宝领”所载户口数大同小异,应是同时期户口数据,但是领县年份却与户口年份不同,《新志》各州领县时间当为天祐三年后。 |
关键词: 《旧唐书•地理志》;《新唐书·地理志》;领县;户口;年代 |
On the years of the counties and accounts in two geography records of Tang Dynasty |
WEN Yuanyuan |
(College of History and Culture, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an 710062, China) |
Abstract: In the Old Geography Record of Tang Dynasty, most states have two groups of county and account numbers, they were recorded as “old collar”, “TianBao”, individual states were otherwise recorded as “after TianBao”, “from the county”, “YuanHe took”, “the collar”. According to the development and changes of the state and county, the different period from the county and the collar account year can be presumed to be: “old collar” ZhenGuan thirteen years, “TianBao collar” as Taboo thirteen years, “after Taboo” as Taboo fourteen years to QianYuan years, “YuanHe collar” as YuanHe fourteen or fifteen years, “the collar” as after DaZhong but before GuangQi three years, “from the county” mostly as Taboo to BaoYing years. In the new geography record of tang dynasty, each state has only one group of county and account number. The account numbers in the new and old geography record are the same in essential while differing in minor points, which can be found in the same period. But their county periods are different. |
Key words: Old Geography Records of Tang Dynasty; New Geography Records of Tang Dynasty; county; account; years |