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自然科学版 英文版


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(中山大学中文系,  广东广州,510275)
摘  要: 清初诗论家陈祚明对《诗品》的批评存在鲜明的异质性。陈祚明反对钟嵘“陆才如海,潘才如江”的说法,认为钟嵘对陶渊明品第不当,对诗旨阐发不足。他认为潘胜于陆,陶诗可与杜诗并驾齐驱,陶诗亦有入世之意,不宜专以隐逸述陶诗之旨。钟嵘之所以强调传统,否定新变,是为了反对以沈约为首的声律论;陈祚明之所以主张溯唐诗之源,提倡“情为辞先”的诗学观,是为了折中调和明前后七子和竟陵派之弊。不同的诗学语境、批评目的,导致了“异质性”的产生。
关键词: 《诗品》;陈祚明;钟嵘;情为辞先;潘岳;陆机;陶渊明
On the “heterogeneity” of the reception history of “Shi Pin” in the early qing dynasty focusing on the criticisms of Pan Yue、Lu Ji and Tao Yuanming written by Chen Zuoming
(Sun Yat-sen University, Department of Chinese, Guang Zhou 510275, China)
Abstract: There was obvious heterogeneity of the reception history of “Shi Pin” in the early Qing dynasty. Chen Zuoming didn’t agree with some of Zhong Rong’s conclusions, such as “the poetic talent of Lu Ji was as much as the sea, and that of Pan Yue was as much as a river”, Zhong Rong proposed that Tao Yuanming was the ancestor of hermit poets, whose poetic talent was just so so. Chen Zuoming didn’t agree with him either, On the contrary, he believed that Pan’s talent was much more than that of Lu. He pointed out that Zhong Rong hadn’t made a proper evaluation of Tao. What’s more, Zhong Rong didn’t realize the purpose of poems of Tao Yuanming. The reason that Zhong Rong wrote “Shi Pin” was to oppose the theory of “sheng Lü” of Shen Yue, so he was for tranditions and against innovations; The reason that Chen Zuoming compiled and commented “Cai Shu Tang Selection of Ancient verse” was to synthesize the abuses of Qian Hou Qi Zi and Jing Ling Pai, so as to find the source of Tang poems, correct the abuses. It was the different purposes that resulted in different criticisms.
Key words: Shi Pin; Chen Zuoming; Zhong Rong; Affection Much More Important than Rhetoric; Pan Yue; Lu Ji; Tao Yuanming
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