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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 船山之礼和合哲学价值彰显为四个基本维度:和合之源是“礼乃正己率物之教”;和合之基是“循礼以居正”;和合之策是“以礼立身而立和”;和合之鉴是“动之不以礼非尽善之道而失和”。船山之礼和合哲学价值的四个基本维度,彰显了礼为人类安身立命之道,修道成性之教,对当今和谐社会的建构具有不可低估的价值。
关键词: 船山;礼;和合;礼之价值
The four basic dimensions in harmonious philosophy value of Chuan Shan’s Ritual
CHEN Lixiang
(Yuelu School, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China)
Abstract: Harmonious philosophy value of Chuan Shan’s ritual shows four basic dimensions: the origin of harmony: Chuan Shan’s ritual is the enlightenment of correct himself and Lead the world. The basics of harmony: Chuan Shan’s ritual can lead people to follow ritual so that he can train up people in the way they should go. The tactics of harmony: ritual is the basic elements of human. Chuan Shan’s ritual can lead to harmony between man and man, between human and society. The Lesson of harmony: if ritual cannot train up people in the way they should go, it is not the truth he can obey, so disharmony will appear. Harmonious philosophy value of Chuan Shan’s ritual shows four basic dimensions, of which the highlight is that the truth of his life has the whereabouts and his spirit has its entrustment, and of which the highlight is the enlightenment of the noble qualities. Therefore, the value of Chuan Shan’s ritual Can not be underestimated for the construction of the harmonious society.
Key words: Chuan Shan; ritual; harmony; value of ritual
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