自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 一般认为声音与意义之间的关系是任意的,是一种约定俗成的关系。在对民国时期新生单音节词的字素义的分析中,发现字素义与词义之间有着密切的关系。运用字素分析法,对单音节词构成部件的意义进行分解,可以挖掘新造字、新生词意义的产生机制和规律;由此现象入手,进而扩展到形声兼会意字中音义关系的系统性和能产性,从而提出音义关系的系统性,不仅是词汇系统性的表现,也是生成新词的基本依据。根据音义关系的系统性原则,可以对当代汉语中新生词的字形和意义进行规范化整理;也有利于生成新的规范汉字、新的规范词。此外,字素分析法的运用也为分析单音节词的内部结构、发现词义生成的规律拓展了思路。
关键词: 字素;音义关系;系统性;单音节词;形旁;声旁
Examples of application of grapheme analysis method in new charaters created in the Republic of China——On the functions of relationship between the sound and the meanings in development of the language
LI Na, LIN Heming
(College of Chinese Language and Literature, Liaoning Normal University, Dalian116023, China)
Abstract: It is considered that the relationship between sound and meaning is arbitrary, while it is an established relationship. When we analyie the single-syllable words which were created in the period of the Republic of China, it is found that there is a close relationship between the grapheme, meaning and the word’s meaning. Using the grapheme analysis method, we can explore the generation mechanism and rules of the new words and new words, meaning .From these phenomena, we extend to the System relationship between the pronunciation and meanings of words, which can produce much more new words, which shows that the systemic systemically makes the vocabulary systemically and it is also the basic foundation to build new words. Depending on the systemic, we can clean up the new characters in contemporary Chinese more specificatly, and new standard Chinese characters and new words can alse be created. In addition, the grapheme analysis method can broaden the thought of analyzing the monosyllabic words and their generate rules.
Key words: grapheme; the relationship between the sound and the meanings; systematic significance; One-syllable word; pictograph; Phonetic element
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