自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 中西方代际情感回报模式的差异主要体现为:当代中国是一种家庭亲情回馈模式,它是以家庭内部子女对父母的“反哺式”式物质赡养和以家庭亲情慰藉为核心的多样化的精神赡养为主要特点。西方发达国家是一种“有距离的亲密”模式,从物质层面看,它通过社会养老保障制度以社会财富的代际转移形式得到间接体现;从精神层面看,它立足于社区照料与居家养老服务,以专门养老机构的精神慰藉为辅助,以子女对父母的日常照料与情感支持为倡导性伦理责任。随着我国社会养老保障制度的完善和居家养老的发展,中国模式将与西方模式趋同。
关键词:  情感回报;物质赡养;精神赡养;居家养老
A comparative study of the difference of forms of
spiritual-resource circulation among
generations between the West and China
LIU Xizhen
(College of Humanities and Law, North China University of Technology, Beijing 100144, China)
Abstract:  The Difference of forms of spiritual-resource circulation among generations between the West and China lies in the that the form of China is consanguinity-emotion feedback in family at present. It has two main characters that children give parents feedback material support and varied spiritual support with family emotion comfort at the core. The western is distant intimation among family members. In material support respect, social wealth is transferred from the young to the old through social old-age insurance system. In spiritual support respect, community care and service of the aged support at home are the foothold, while spiritual comfort from special old-age organ is supplementary, children’s daily care and emotion support for parents constitute advocated moral duty. With social old-age insurance system being perfected and the development of the aged support at home, the form of China tends to be assimilated to that in the western.
Key words:  spiritual-resource circulation; material support; spiritual support; the aged support at home
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