文章编号:1672-3104(2014)02-0057-05 |
——卡罗尔·华迪卡的哲学人类学述评 |
周兰兰 |
(吉林师范大学马克思主义学院,吉林四平,136000) |
摘 要: “行为”是卡罗尔·华迪卡哲学人类学的核心概念。“行为显示位格”是他的基本主张,包括两层含义:行为和意识是人之为人的根本;人成为人需靠行为的“超越”与“整合”。“超越”指人因其自由行动而能超越限制,借着自我决定来完成自我;“整合”是对人本体论意义上的统一的维护。卡罗尔·华迪卡的哲学人类学颠覆了笛卡尔以来的理性主义传统,重建了思考对象与思考过程本身之间的联系。 |
关键词: 卡罗尔·华迪卡;个体的人;行为;超越;整合;哲学人类学 |
“Action reveals the person”—— A review of Karol Wojtyla’s philosophical anthropology |
ZHOU Lanlan |
(School of Marxism, Jilin Normal University, Changchun 136000, China) |
Abstract: “Action” is the core concept in Karol Wojtyla’s philosophical anthropology, and that “Action reveals the person” is his basic view, contains two layers of meaning. One is that action and consciousness is the root of man to be man, and the other is that man to be man needs the “transcendence” and ”integration” of action. Among which, the “transcendence” implies that man can transcend over limit because of his free action and he can complete himself by self-determination of which the “integration” is a safeguard to man’s unity in ontological meaning. Karol Wojtyla’s philosophical anthropology overturns the rationalistic tradition since Descartes and it rebuilds the combination between the thinking object and the thinking process itself. |
Key words: Karol Wojtyla; individual person; action; transcendence; integration; philosophical anthropology |