文章编号:1672-3104(2008)06−0841−08 |
——兼论宋诗以俗为雅风格的形成 |
邱志诚,冯鼎 |
(四川师范大学历史文化与旅游学院,四川成都,610068) |
摘 要: 梅尧臣诗是我国文学审丑之先声,是宋代经济、政治、思想、文化条件和文学自身发展演变的结果。梅诗审丑对宋诗“力避陈熟”“以俗为雅”风格的创立起了奠基性质的作用,对后世文学发展产生了巨大的影响。 |
关键词: 宋诗;梅尧臣;审丑;雅俗;复古;创新 |
Awareness of appreciating the ugly in Mei Yaocheng’s poems |
QIU Zhicheng, FENG Ding |
(Institute of History and Tourism, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu 610068, China) |
Abstract: Mei Yaocheng’s poems were the herald of appreciating the ugly in Chinese literature, which was the result of the economic, political and ideological development and cultural environment of Song Dynasty and the result of the development of literature itself. Appreciating the ugly in Mei’s poems laid a fundation for the establishment of the style of poems in Song Dynasty, which was “trying to avoid being stale” and “regarding the popular taste as being refined”, thus having exerted great influence on the development of literature. |
Key words: poems in Song Dynasty; Mei Yao-cheng; appreciating the ugly; elegance and vulgar; restoration; innovation |