文章编号:1672-3104(2014)01-0082-09 |
谦抑之智:论环境道德不宜纳入公序良俗原则 |
侯卓,陈立诚 |
(北京大学法学院,北京,100871) |
摘 要: 公序良俗是民法的一项基本原则。随着人们对环境问题的重视,将环境道德纳入民法公序良俗原则的呼声日益高涨。但是,由于公序良俗原则本身的谦抑性特征、环境道德和民法“理性人”基本假设的不契合、社会公众对环境道德成为一项“公共秩序”的认同度仍不够、可能造成的法官自由裁量权过大及其道德义务之债的性质等多方面的因素,环境道德不适宜纳入公序良俗原则的范畴。立法对先进理念的吸纳,不可太过超前,而应该注意循序渐进。 |
关键词: 环境道德;公序良俗;民法基本原则;谦抑原则;政治公共秩序;经济公共秩序 |
The wisdom of modesty: on the inappropriateness of incorporating environmental ethics into the Public Order and Moral Principle |
HOU Zhuo, CHEN Licheng |
(Law School, Peking University, Peking 100871, China) |
Abstract: The public order and moral is one of the basic principles of civil law. As people pay increasing attention to the environmental problems, more and more people begin to advocate to incorporate the environmental ethics into the public order and moral principle of the civil law. However, the author holds that it is inappropriate to incorporate environmental ethics into the public order and moral principle due to the fact that the factors include the modest restraining property of the principle of public order and moral, the inconformity of environmental ethics to the basic hypothesis of “rational human beings” in the civil law, the general public disapproval of the incorporation of the environmental ethics into the public order, the possible excessive discretion of the judge, the property of the judge’ moral obligations debts, etc. It is advocated that legislation should absorb advanced ideas rather than precocious ideas, and that the observation process should follow the step-by-step principle. |
Key words: environmental ethics; public order and moral; the basic principle of civil law; the wisdow of modesty principle; political public order; economical public order |