文章编号:1672-3104(2013)06-0252-07 |
汉英词典100核心词释义对比研究 |
李仕春 |
(广西大学文学院,广西南宁,530004) |
摘 要: 文章认为判定不同国家的词典是否属于同类词典的标准有三条:词典性质、词典收词、词典释义。根据上述标准,文章认定《现汉》《牛津》《韦氏》等汉英词典都是中型语文性词典,在此基础上,对这些词典中100核心词的义项数目及其分布做了简要对比,认为与《牛津》《韦氏》等英语词典相比,《现汉》等汉语词典在100核心词的义项划分方面比较粗疏。最后,文章从语料库技术、词典的编纂历史以及语言学理论等三方面,分析了中国词典100核心词义项划分粗疏的原因。 |
关键词: 语料库;《现代汉语词典》(第6版);核心词;义项分布 |
An investigation of the distribution of meaning items about the 100 core words in the Chinese and English dictionaries |
LI Shichun |
(Chinese Literature Department, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, China) |
Abstract: This paper first points out that the “the Contemporary Chinese Dictionary”, “Oxford”, “Webster ” etc are the same kind of the dictionary. Second, it briefly compares the 100 core words’ senses number and their distribution of meaning item. Finally, the author points out that 100 core words’ sense division is careless in the Chinese dictionary. |
Key words: Corpus; the 6th Edition of the Contemporary Chinese Dictionary; Core Word; the distribution of meaning item |