文章编号:1672-3104(2013)06-0114-06 |
虐童的刑法规制及儿童福利体系的构建 |
李本灿 |
(南京大学法学院,江苏南京,210093) |
摘 要: 基于虐童现象的普遍性以及后果的严重性,虐童行为的规制成为必要,但方式应该是通过立法,而非司法。对于实践中以司法方式实现虐童入罪的做法,应当摒弃,并肃清其背后的理念、逻辑。虐童入罪固然必要,但是问题的解决更应该走向刑法之外,通过儿童保护及福利体系的建立,从根本上减少虐童现象的发生。 |
关键词: 虐童;寻衅滋事;刑法机能;儿童福利体系 |
Regulation of child abuse through criminal law and the construction of child welfare |
LI Bencan |
(Law School, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China) |
Abstract: Based on the universality and severe consequences of child abuse behavior, the criminal must be punished by criminal law, but the path should be legislation not judiciary. The practice that putting child abuse behavior into sin by judicial way should be abandoned and we should aware of its concept and logic behind. Putting child abuse behavior into sin is indispensable, but the final settlement of this problem is far beyond criminal law, only through establishing children protection and welfare system can we radically reduce its occurrence. |
Key words: child abuse behavior; stir up trouble; function of criminal law; children welfare system |