文章编号:1672-3104(2008)06−0786−05 |
国内行政主体理论的创立及其变迁 |
袁勇 |
(浙江大学光华法学院,浙江杭州,310008) |
摘 要: 国内行政主体理论的变迁可分为初创期、发展期、成熟期和转型期4个阶段。国外行政主体理论的引入在前3个阶段为国内行政主体理论的创立和发展起到了重要作用。然而国内行政主体理论从一开始就与国外行政主体理论存在较大背离,因而它虽然在我国行政法学中占有重要地位,但随着社会变迁和理论发展,其固有的内在缺陷也逐渐被发现,并由此步入了转型期。 |
关键词: 行政主体;行政机构;行政主体理论 |
Establishment and transformation of China’s administrative
subject theory |
YUAN Yong |
(Guanghua Law School, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310008, China) |
Abstract: The developing of Chinese administrative subject theory has come into the stage of transforming recently after initial, growing and mature stages. In those stages, the introduction of foreign administrative subject theory played an important role for the founding and developing of the Chinese theory. However, their substantial contents had been deviated since the Chinese theory was mentioned. The defects of the Chinese administrative subject theory were gradually found after its maturity. Now, the Chinese administrative subject theory is entering into a renovation stage. |
Key words: administrative subject; administrative agency; administrative subject theory |