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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 嵌入式碳足迹(Embedded Carbon Footprint, ECF)是居民消费的产品或服务在其生命周期过程中所产生的碳排放,测量比较困难。居民消费产生的碳排放已经成为我国碳排放增长的重要因素,从消费者角度研究碳排放及其驱动因素对节能减排有重要的现实意义。通过构建碳排放投入产出模型对城镇居民嵌入式碳足迹(ECF)进行测算,并运用LMDI因素分解模型分析中国城镇居民嵌入式碳足迹的影响因素。结果表明:生活水平效应较大,为正效应,对总ECF的贡献度是233%;碳排放强度为负效应,对总ECF的贡献度是-133%;消费结构为正效应,对总ECF的贡献度是9%。因此,政府应倡导居民节约消费,大力发展低碳产业,注重交通项目的减排。
关键词: LMDI;碳排放投入产出模型;嵌入式碳足迹;影响因素;减排政策
Driving Factors of Embedded Carbon Footprint in Chinese Urban Residents: An Empirical Analysis Based on the LMDI Model
ZHAO Dingtao, ZHANG Ren, FAN Jin
(School of Management, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China)
Abstract: Embedded Carbon Footprint (ECF) is a sort of carbon emissions produced by consumer products or services in the life cycle, which is difficult to measure. Because carbon emissions embedded in residential consumption is a major growth point of carbon emissions in China, the research on the factors driving carbon emissions needs to be further investigated from the perspective of residential consumption. In this paper, a carbon emission input-output model was built to calculate the Embedded Carbon Footprint (ECF) of Chinese urban residents. In addition, this paper aims to investigate the factors affecting carbon emissions from the perspective of residential consumption based on Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index (LMDI). The results show that: Firstly, the effect of per capita consumption expenditure is positive, contributing to 233% in the total ECF. Secondly, the effect of carbon intensity is negative, contributing to -133% in the total ECF. Finally, the effect of consumption structure is positive, contributing to 9% in the total ECF. Therefore, our government should advocate economic consumption, develop low-carbon industries and attach great importance to reduction of carbon emission in transportation projects.
Key words: LMDI; carbon emission input-output model; embedded carbon footprint; driving factors; residential consumption; policy for reduction of carbon emission
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