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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 自1969年开始,长期处于敌对状态的中美关系开始解冻。为了增进互信、实现中美关系正常化,中美两国都有意在两国之一建立一条直接联系渠道,以利于彼此的交流。但由于双方先后在建立新渠道的地点、人选问题上未能达成一致,建立新渠道的过程一波三折。后来在客观条件成熟的情况下,新渠道得以建立,这就是纽约渠道。纽约渠道的建立对中美关系的进一步缓和与发展具有特殊的意义。它为中美两国进行及时有效的直接接触创造了条件,进而使两国在众多重要的国际和双边问题上进行了卓有成效的沟通,促进了双方的谅解与合作。而双方的谅解与合作又反过来推动了两国互信的加深,为其后的中美战略合作奠定了基础。
关键词: 纽约渠道;中美关系;基辛格;黄华
On origin of New York Channel between China and US: According to the US National Archives in Nixon Administration
LI Guang
(School of History, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China)
Abstract: From 1969, the long-term antagonistic relationship between China and US began to thaw. To increase the political mutual trust and normalize Sino-US relations, both China and US wanted to establish a direct channel to promote communication. Because of the divergence on the place where the channel to establish and the candidates, however, the process that establishing of the new channel was full of twists and turns. Afterwards, the new channel was established as the objective conditions were ready. It was New York Channel. The establishment of New York Channel had special implication for the further rapprochement and development of Sino-US relation: it created conditions for the two to engage in timely and effective contact, which promoted the effective communication on a lot of significant international and bilateral issues, encouraging understanding and cooperation. On the other hand, the understanding and cooperation between the two had been promotion for the deepening of mutual trust, which laid the foundation for the subsequent Sino-US strategic cooperation.
Key words: New York Channel; Sino-US relation; Kissinger; Huang Hua
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