文章编号:1672-3104(2013)04-0252-05 |
陈诚就任与被免远征军司令的几个问题 |
刘会军,张智丹 |
(吉林大学文学院,吉林长春,130012) |
摘 要: 蒋介石为整训远征军、便利反攻缅甸起见,于1942年底决定由陈诚任远征军司令长官。陈诚对反攻缅甸的态度较为消极,但鉴于蒋介石的困难处境仍勉强受命。由于军队积弊深重、财政罗掘俱穷等原因,陈诚对反攻缅甸前景甚为悲观,多次向蒋介石请辞,但均未为其所允准。陈诚在任职近九个月之际离职,原因在于其胃病发作、难以视事,并非由于其与史迪威的合作关系引发蒋介石的戒心。 |
关键词: 陈诚;远征军司令;反攻缅甸 |
Several issues about Chencheng being appointed and relieved of Expeditionary Force Commander |
LIU Huijun, ZHANG Zhidan |
(School of Literature, Jilin University, Changchun 130012, China) |
Abstract: For the purpose of training Expeditionary Force and being convenient for retaking Burma, Chiang Kai-shek decided to appoint Chencheng as commander of the Expeditionary Force in late 1942. Chencheng’s attitude to retake Burma was negative, and he was reluctant to assume office in view of the difficult situation of Chiang Kai-shek. For the reasons of age-old malpractice of the army and financial embarrassment, Chencheng’s attitude to the prospect of retaking Burma was very pessimistic. He resigned to Chiang Kai-shek repeatedly and did not receive the permission. The reason of Chencheng resigning when he served nearly nine months was that he could not assume office because of the recurrence of his gastric disease, not that his relationship with Stillwell caused Chiang Kai-shek’s suspicion. |
Key words: Chencheng; Expeditionary Force commander; retaking Burma |