文章编号:1672-3104(2013)04-0226-04 |
慧琳《一切经音义》各版本文字差异例释 |
孙建伟 |
(北京师范大学文学院,北京,100875) |
摘 要: 《慧琳音义》各版本用字差异一方面是由于时代、刻写等因素的影响,或为异体字的不同,或为通假字之差异;另一方面,也是由于缺乏对《慧琳音义》原本错讹之字的考辨而疏于审校。基于上面原因,选取《慧琳音义》的部分各版本用字差异现象加以考辨,一方面尽可能还原《慧琳音义》原貌,同时也可以为楷字形体演变提供更多资料。 |
关键词: 慧琳音义;用字差异;异体字;通假字 |
Different usages of Characters of All Versions in the Sound and Meaning of the Buddhist Scripture Compiled by Hui Lin |
SUN Jianwei |
(School of Chinese Language and Literature, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China) |
Abstract: The different usuages of Characters of all Versions in the Sound and Meaning of the Buddhist Scripture Compiled by Hui Lin (慧琳音义) is due to factors such as age, writing, or as a variant character, or for the borrowed character. On the other hand, is also due to the lack of errors analysis and lack of proofreading of the Buddhist Scripture Compiled by Hui Lin. Based on the reasons above, this paper selected 20 the differences of text phenomena to restore the Buddhist Scripture Compiled by Hui Lin, and provide additional information for further researchers concerned as well. |
Key words: The Sound and Meaning of the Buddhist Scripture Compiled by Hui Lin, different Using of character, variant character, borrowed character |