文章编号:1672-3104(2013)04-0177-05 |
《文选》诏令文与萧统之“崇雅” |
赵俊玲 |
(郑州大学文学院,河南郑州,450001) |
摘 要: 《文选》所选诏令文皆是当时文学批评界有公论的作品。但于诏、册,受制于其功能、应用场合、创作事实,及为后世立训垂范的主观意图,萧统所重的是汉魏那些典雅的篇章;于令、教、文,所选又皆南朝骈丽之文。这表明,在《文选序》中,萧统虽然特别强调文辞的美丽,但在具体选文时,则藻丽与典雅并重。忽视其重典雅的选文标准,便不能解释《文选》某些文体只重汉魏文章的事实。 |
关键词: 萧统;《文选》;诏令文;选文标准;崇雅 |
Edicts of Wenxuan and Xiaotong’s Advocating to Elegant Style |
ZHAO Junling |
(College of Literature, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China) |
Abstract: The Edicts chosen by Xiaotong were taken as outstanding works by other critics. But Xiaotong attached importance to Zhao and Ce from Wei and Jin Dynasties, at the same time he payed attention to Ling, Jiao and Wen from Southern Dynasties, which indicated that Xiaotong’s standard wasn’t in consistent with different styles. He valued those brilliant works, but this standard wasn’t adapted to each style. To many styles, for example Zhao, Ce, etc, he attached importance to the works from Wei and Jin Dynasties, instead of those brilliant works from Southern Dynasties. We shouldn’t ignore Xiaotong’s view about advocating Elegant Style, otherwise we wouldn’t explain some phenomena about several stylistics of Wenxuan. |
Key words: Xiaotong; Wenxuan; Edicts of Wenxuan; Standard to chose works |