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自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: “准文化产业”是指在现行国家文化产业政策体系之外存在的具有可供消费的文化特质的产品和服务,它依托特定的制造业而存在,是第二产业和第三产业的复合产业形态。以茶文化产业为例,准文化产业集聚可分为产地集聚和市场集聚。前者的文化属性主要来源于自然禀赋或历史积累;后者则多源于创意。准文化产业集聚存在进入壁垒低、“搭便车”现象严重、产品差异度低和对文化产业要素借力不足等问题,需要通过淡化其依附性、凸显独立性加以改观。在重视实用性的前提下,深入挖掘文化资源;借助特定制造业既有集聚,实现园区化建设;将文化和创意作为核心要素加以开发等是准文化产业实现集聚优势的重要途径。准文化产业应作为独立业态,参照国家文化产业发展政策加以调控,实现文化产业的跨行业经营。
关键词: 准文化产业;核心文化产业;产业集聚;茶文化产业
How can the Quasi-culture Industry realize the superiority of agglomeration?--A Case Study of Tea Culture Industry
(Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China)
Abstract: Quasi-culture industry is the products and services with culture quality which can be consumed but out of the national culture industry policy system. A quasi-culture industry relies on one certain manufacture. It is the patterns compound of second industry and third industry. Taking the tea culture industry as a case, the agglomeration of quasi-culture industry can be divided into procreative agglomeration and marketable agglomeration. The culture qualities of procreative agglomeration come from the natural endowments or human history, and the culture qualities of marketable agglomeration stem from originality. The agglomeration of quasi-culture industry has some problems such as low barrier of entry printing field, serious free-rider, less product differentiation, and insufficient reference to the core culture industry. This situation should be improved by weakening the dependence on the certain manufacture and highlighting the independence of quasi-culture industry. The ways to realize the superiority of quasi-culture industry agglomeration include: (1) exploiting the culture resources of quasi-culture industry in the condition of valuing the practicability of it; (2) drawing support from agglomeration of the certain manufacture, and realizing the zone industrialization; (3) taking culture and originality as the core element in the development of quasi-culture industry. The quasi-culture industry should be treated as the independent type of operation, and regulated and controlled referring to the national culture industry policies, which can realize the cross-sectoral operation of culture industry.
Key words: quasi-culture industry; core-culture industry; agglomeration; tea culture industry
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