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自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: “尚奇”审美趣味在晚明文人日常生活中表现得淋漓尽致,它是其时政治、经济、思想、文化等各方面合力的美学显现,更从晚明的一种生活样态升华为时代美学精神。具体表现为“厌常喜怪,喜新尚异”的时尚追求,“新之有方,异之有道,不失情理之正”的品位推崇,以及“一榱一桷,必令出自己裁”的审美个性。晚明的“尚奇”美学精神突破了儒家的“温柔敦厚”之美,而立足于个体感性生命与日常生活,是对自身力量的全面开发,具有浓郁的现代气息,体现了审美的进步。然而,这种趣味还未得到充分发扬和开拓,就被随着改朝换代而来的假古典主义所湮没和扼制。
关键词: 晚明;生活美学;尚奇;品位;个性
The Singular Aesthetic Taste of Literati’s Daily Life in Late Ming Dynasty
ZENG Tingting
(Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University, Guangzhou 510665, China)
Abstract: The singular aesthetic taste performed incisively and vividly in literati’s life in late Ming Dynasty. It not only revealed the aesthetics of integration with politics, economy, thinking and culture, but also sublimated to the modern spirit of aesthetics from one kind of life mode in late Ming Dynasty. It showed concretely in the fashionable pursuit of disliking ordinary but fantasy, and favoring innovation and preferring singularity. It also showed the taste worship of being good at innovating, expecting fantasying and including reasons of making sense. Meanwhile, it showed the aesthetic personality of creating and polishing the masterpiece ball by himself. The aesthetic spirit of singular in late Ming Dynasty, which exploited its own power comprehensively, embodied a strong modern quality and reflected the progress of aesthetics, broke through from the beauty of Confucian qualities of being “gentle, honest and reliable”, and was rooted in the sensing life by individual and daily life. The taste, however, without developing sufficiently and extending further, had been submerged and restrained by the fake classicism as the old dynasty was replaced by a new one.
Key words: Late Ming Dynasty; Daily Aesthetics; Singular Taste; Personality
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