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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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(1. 南京大学文学院,江苏南京,210093;2. 南京师范大学文学院,江苏南京,210097)
摘  要: 先秦典籍中多次出现素冠、素衣、素韠,考察可知其未必是因三年之丧而服,而是有周一代天子、诸侯、大夫、士等不同贵族阶层在士冠礼、乡饮酒礼、燕礼、视朔、聘享、朝见、祭祀、去国、灾荒、军败、出行等不同场合所穿的礼服或常服。《桧风》具体创作时间难以确考,其大致创作时代为西周末(周夷王、厉王之后)至东周初(桧国灭亡时)。此时桧国面临严重政治危机,内忧外患并至,在内国君恃险不修德治政,骄侈怠慢、贪冒好利、百姓不附;在外郑恒公伺机而入,东寄帑贿,取地夺民,所谋甚大。面对危机,桧国大夫或士进谏无果反遭放逐,去国离君之际行“去国逾竟”之礼,素服“为坛位乡国而哭”,国人(士或大夫可能性最大)送别而作《素冠》。诗人感于桧国内忧外患之危急形势,目睹有识之士素服遭逐,悲伤蕴结之情浓重。
关键词: “去国逾竟”之礼;《桧风·素冠》;素衣;丧服;礼服
Subject Exploration of “Qu Guo Yu Jing” Ritual system and Hui Feng • Suguan Poetic
WANG Xuejun, HE Weili
(1. School of Liberal Arts, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China;
2. School of Liberal Arts, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210097, China)
Abstract: In pro-Qin classics, Su Guan, Su Yi, Su Bi appeared several times, which, the study shows, may not be the result of three years of mourning and clothes, but Zhou Dynasty emperor, princes, the doctor, who were present in persons of different Shi Guan Li, Xiang Yin Jiu Li, Yan Li, Shi Suo, Pin Xian, Chao Jian, Ji Si, Qu Guo, Zai Huang, Jun Bai, Chu Xing and so on different occasions, in different dresses or uniforms. “Hui Feng” is difficult to really test the specific creation time for the West of its roughly weekend (Zhou Yi Wang, Li Wang later) to the east beginning of the week (Hui country demise). At this point Hui country’s serious political crisis, internal and external, including that the monarch relies on insurance policy did not repair virtue, arrogance and extravagant, and the people were not attached; out Zhengheng Gong opportunistic infiltration, bribery East send public funds, to take to win the people, the plan is very large. Facing the crisis, the country doctors or cypress plain speaking to no avail and exile who, out of the country from the king on the occasion line “Qu Guo Yu Jing” Ritual system, wore white clothes “for the altar cry bit rural country,” wrote Su Guan. Internal and external sense of the poet in the country’s critical situation, cypress, wearing white clothes were witnessed by insight, strong feelings of sadness accumulation.
Key words: “Qu Guo Yu Jing” ritual system; Hui Feng • Suguan; plain dress; mourning dress; formal dress
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