文章编号:1672-3104(2012)03-0189-06 |
当代官场小说的单向度书写 |
邹旭林1, 2,谭桂林2 |
(1. 湖南女子学院,湖南长沙,410004;2. 湖南师范大学文学院,湖南长沙,410081) |
摘 要: 中国当代官场小说较为充分地反映了中国社会的单向度现实,是一种单向度的书写。这种书写集中体现在对单向度人的刻画,实质是对于市场经济社会的一种单向度想象,是关于20世纪90年代以来中国社会合法化危机的隐喻。 |
关键词: 官场小说;单向度;异化;想象;隐喻 |
The One-dimensional Writings of Chinese Contemporary Officialdom Novels |
ZOU Xulin1, 2, TAN Guilin2 |
(1. Hunan Women’s University, Changsha 410004, China;
2. Liberal Arts College of Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410081, China) |
Abstract: Chinese contemporary officialdom novels have reflected the one-dimensional social reality to some extent, which results from the one-dimensional writing style. The style is found mainly in the portray of the characters. Essentially it is not only a kind of one-dimensional imagination on China’s economical society, but also a metaphor about China’s social legitimation crisis since 1990’s. |
Key words: one-dimension; alienation; imagination; metaphor |