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自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 属于何种犯罪形态,主要关系到共犯、罪数的认定与追诉时效起算时间的确定。区分即成犯与状态犯仅具有观念上的意义,而区分状态犯与继续犯则具有重要的现实意义。属于何种犯罪形态,背后的规范性考量还是法益的保护。值得持续地肯定构成要件符合性的,属于继续犯,否则属于状态犯或即成犯。典型继续犯有非法拘禁罪、不真正不作为犯、持有型犯罪、危险驾驶罪、非法侵入住宅罪。重婚罪、绑架罪、收买被拐卖的妇女、儿童罪、拐骗儿童罪属于状态犯而不是继续犯,拐卖妇女、儿童罪不属于继续犯而是即成犯。窝藏罪、赃物犯罪属于何种犯罪形态应根据行为表现具体确定。
关键词: 即成犯;状态犯;继续犯;法益
On the differentiation of Discontinuing Offense, State Offense and Continuous Crime
CHEN Hongbing
(School of Law, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210046, China)
Abstract: When defining a criminal pattern, the identifying of accomplice, quantity of crime, the determination of the starting date of limitation of prosecution are the main concerns. The differentiation of discontinuing offense and state offense is of theoretical meaning, while differentiating discontinuing offense from state offense has a practical significance. When defining a criminal pattern, the protection of legal interest is still its normative consideration and examination. If a crime is of continued conformity of important constructive conditions, it should be defined as a continuous crime; otherwise, it should be defined as discontinuing offense or state offense. Typical continuous crimes are as crime of false imprisonment, nonstandard criminal omission, crimes of unlawful possessing, crime of dangerous driving, and crime of unlawfully intruding into the residence of another person. Crime of bigamy, crime of kidnapping, crime of buying abducted and trafficked, or kidnapped women and children, and crime of abducting children is state offenses, not continuous crimes. Crime of abducting and trafficking in women and children is discontinuing offense, not continuous crime. The classification of the criminal patterns of crime of harboring a criminal and crimes related to booties or stolen goods should be determined by specific criminal behaviors.
Key words: discontinuing offense; state offense; continuous crime; legal interest
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