自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 我国分权化改革所产生的强劲经济增长势头使人们将注意力集中在“政府权力赋予”的激励功能上,却忽视了“权力约束”对政府所能产生的市场维护和市场发展的合理激励。西方财政分权理论设定了要素跨区域流动的严格前提,实质上提出了一个分权激励与权力约束的对称性问题。本文针对我国地方政府扩展市场和分割市场的正反两种行为趋向,从制度视角分析了分权化体制对地方政府悖论行为产生的作用与影响,基于对体制纠错的思考对我国分权化体制的“分权激励与权力约束非对称”的制度安排缺陷进行了反思,在以西方财政分权理论中的政府权力约束为假定的条件下,从分权激励的逻辑推进上论证了政府权力约束的重要意义及实现政府权力约束的“依法行政”路径。
关键词: 分权激励;地方政府;权力约束; 依法行政
Expansion of Interdistrict Deal:Thinks of the Separation of Government and Market
GUO Qianqi
(Party School of The Zhejiang Committee of The CCP Science Research Department, Hangzhou 310012, China)
Abstract: The strong rising momentum of economy caused by China’s decentralization reform makes people focus on the incentive function of ‘economy decentralization’, while ignoring that ‘power constraint’could have a rational incentive on the maintenance and development of market to government. Western financial decentralization theory has set a strict premise on inter-district mobility of factors, in essence, it has raised a symmetric problem between decentralization incentive and power constraint. According to the two contrary trends of market expansion and market segmentation which Chinese local governments are acting on, this paper analysises the effects and impacts on local governments’ paradoxical act caused by decentralization system. Based on the thinking of system error-correcting, which is meant in this paper, having a reflection on the system arrangement defects of ‘asymmetry in decentralization incentive and power constraints’ due to the decentralization system in China. Assumptioned with the government power constraint in western financial decentralization theory, this paper expounds that demonstrations, based on the logical promotion of decentralization incentive should be implemented on both the significance of government power constraint and the way to carry out government’s official duties, in strict accordance with the law.
Key words: decentralization incentive; local government; power constraint; carrying out official duties in accordance with the law
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