自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 黑格尔的音乐哲学是其哲学体系的组成部分,思辨哲学由此成为他解决音乐美学基本问题的重要范畴。黑格尔对艺术的诠释以形而上学与辩证为基础的论证方式,构成了他阐释音乐的独特视角与方法,同时也意味着他受哲学思辨的构架而忽视了其他形成音乐艺术及其演变发展的诸多因素。如果包括音乐在内的艺术具有内容意蕴,即内容与形式从来就不该被二元性思维所规定,以此作为论证内容存在的合法性以及重新审视面对音乐的审美方式,则具有其理论反思的价值。黑格尔对于理想音乐的美的本质的审美判断,调和了音乐美学中形式主义与反形式主义长期以来的论争焦点。他对形成于古典主义的性格范畴及浪漫主义器乐形而上学的创作趋势的质疑,显示出对音乐现代性的批判预见。
关键词: 黑格尔;《美学》;音乐哲学; 审美;辩证性
Aesthetic judgment of Hegel’s musical philosophy
--based on the event of western music in Aesthetics
ZHANG Luqian
(School of Humanities Sciences, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China)
Abstract: Hegel’s philosophy of music is a part of the philosophical system, and the speculative philosophy becomes important areas for him to solve the basic problem of music aesthetics. Artistic interpretations based on metaphysics and the dialectical constitute a perspective and the way in which Hegel interpreted music. And it also means that his arguments decided philosophical framework, ignoring the any other factors of formation of music. Art, including music, has its content, and the means of the expression and its content shouldn’t be ruled by the binary opposition, which provides a membership as the legitimacy of the existence of the argument as well as to re-examine the aesthetic way and the value of theoretical reflection of music. Hegel’s aesthetic judgment of ideal music based on the essence of beauty reconciles the focus of debates of the formalism and the anti-formalism. His question on trend of the character areas formed in classicism and instrumental metaphysics in romanticism show his predictable criticism of modern music.
Key words: Hegel; aesthetics; musical philosophy; aesthetic; dialectic
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