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自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 元明之际东南地区文人活动频繁,史籍记载时有舛漏。胡助的卒年素无考,实际上在张以宁的《翠屏集》中有记载,知其卒于至正十五年(1355);蓝仁、蓝智兄弟的生卒年和仕履,虽不能尽考,但据其别集可大致考见,且可纠《明史》记载之误;戴良至正末年曾由宁波泛海至山东,但此行的身份、目的以及返回时间诸多史料记载颇多矛盾,可据其别集和其他文集加以补正。
关键词: 东南文人;胡助;蓝仁;蓝智;戴良;行年
Three Textual Research and Corrections about Literary Men in Southeast Area of China During the Transition of

Yuan and Ming Dynasty

YAN Xuanjun
(School of Literature, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China)
Abstract: The literary men had frequent activities in southeast area of China during the transition of Yuan and Ming dynasties. However, However omissions and corruptions can be found in omissions and corruptions. The historical records. The death time of Hu Zhu has no textual research. Actually, according to the record of Cui Ping Ji, which wrote by Zhang Yining, Hu Zhu s died in 1355. Although the concvete date and official record about the two brothers of Lan Ren and Lan Zhi can not be completely researched, we can have a general cognition according to their anthology. Dai Liang travelled from Ning Bo to Shan Dong by sea in the end of ZhiZheng, which is the title of Yuan Huizong’s reign. However, the historical records about this travel’s identity, purpose and return time have many contradictions. We can correct them according to his anthology and other texts.
Key words: literary men in southeast area of China; Hu Zhou; Lan Ren, Lan Zhi; Dai Liang; concrete time
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