自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 道德文化是民族的全体生活的伦理关系,说到底就是对“伦理关系”的重建。现代中国道德生活中伦理关系问题有两个主要表现:其一,伦理生活的主体性与普遍性、整体性关系,二者之间的矛盾造成道德应然性逻辑下“被规范”的伦理生活;其二,伦理生活境况的本真性与目的性(德福)关系,二者的矛盾造成道德本真性逻辑下“被幸福”的伦理生活。因而,克服道德文化的二元悖论,需要在更宏大的现代性生活世界背景中来对待,这包括三个层面的系统:道德主体间相互承认的伦理关系,以生活方式为中介的传统与现代间的伦理关系,伦理道德与政治、经济制度之间的关系形态。这样,才能在交互作用的社会“整体”生活中重构现代伦理文化。
关键词: 伦理关系;道德文化建设;政治制度;经济制度
Ethical relation: problems of and solutions to moral culture development in modern China
WANG Qiang, FANG Xiaochen
(Department of Philosophy, Shanghai Party Institute, Shanghai 200233;
Graduate School, Anhui agricultural university, Hefei 230036, China)
Abstract: Moral cultural is the nation life of all the ethical relationship, in the final analysis it is the “ethical relations”  reconstruction. Moral life of modern China, the ethical relation has two main features: First, subjectivity and universal, holistic relationship in ethical life, the two conflicts caused by the logic of moral ought to “be norm” of ethical life; Second, ethical living conditions of authenticity and purpose (virtue and happiness), the two conflicts are moral logic of authenticity “be happy” in ethical life. Thus, to overcome the paradox of moral culture, it is necessary to be more ambitious in the context of modern life. It including three levels of the system: the ethical relations of moral inter-subject’s mutual recognition, the ethical relationship of lifestyle as the intermediary between the traditional and the modern, the ethical relationship between ethics and politics, economic system. Only by doing so, can we reconstruct modern ethical life in the interaction of the “whole” social life.
Key words: ethical relation; moral culture development; political system; economic system
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