自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 列宁对马克思主义学说发展史的历史贡献有三:一是实现了对马克思主义学说包括其哲学基础、理论来源及其内容构成、精神实质的整体性把握;二是首次提出了马克思主义学说发展史的概念命题,明确了其发展史的研究目的,凸现其发展史的基本线索,初步划分其发展史的历史阶段;三是系统总结了马克思主义学说发展史的主要特点。指出在理论品格上,“马克思主义不是死的教条,不是什么一成不变的学说,而是活的行动指南”;在运作机制上,随着具体的社会政治形势改变,“马克思主义这一活的学说的各个不同方面也就不能不分别提到首要地位”;在策略原则上,必须将马克思主义学说所涵括的社会主义意识“灌输”到广大无产阶级中去才能真正地推进马克思主义学说的历史发展。这极大地促进了马克思主义的丰富和发展,将整个马克思主义学说发展史推进到一个崭新的历史阶段--列宁主义阶段。
关键词: 列宁;马克思主义学说;发展史;历史贡献
Lenin’s historical contributions to Marxism’s theories developmental history
WANG Haobin
(Marxism College, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China)
Abstract: Lenin has made three historical contributions to the Marxism’s doctrine development history, The first is that he has realized the whole appreciation of the philosophy basis, theory sources, contents constitution and spiritual essence of Marxism’s doctrine. The second is that he has put forward the concepts of Marxism’s doctrine development history for the first time and clearing definitely the research purpose, convexing the basic clues and dividing the historical stage of Marxism’s doctrine development history. The third is that he has systemly summed up the main characteristics of Marxism’s doctrine development history. On the theoretical character, “Marxism is not a dead dogma, not inflexible theory, but an activity guidebook”; In the operating mechanism, changing along with the specific social political situation, the different aspects of the live theory of Marxism have to mention the initial position respectively. On the strategy principles, we must instill the socialism consciousness of Marxism’s doctrine among the proletariat so as to push forward the history development of Marxism’s doctrine. which greatly promotes the richness and development of Marxism, promoting the whole Marxism’s Theories developmental history to a new historical stage-Leninism stage.
Key words: Lenin; Marxism’s theories ; development history; historical contributions
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