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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 目前检察机关监督乡镇执法机关的工作机制极不健全,存在法律地位不明确、职权缺乏具体规定、监督手段缺乏强制力、法律监督不能独立开展等很多问题。这既与乡镇行政执法的特点有很大关系,同时也与立法未明确赋予检察机关对包括乡镇执法机关在内的行政执法机关的法律监督权力有着直接关系。基于此,应当遵循司法规律原则、权力结构完整性原则、决策权执行权监督权等权力相互协调制约机制原则和谦抑性原则,从明确监督地位、明晰监督职权、完善监督手段、强化队伍建设和经费保障以及建立健全配套制度等方面构建检察机关监督乡镇执法机关机制。
关键词: 检察机关;法律监督;乡镇行政执法;监督机制;完善路径
The mechanism construction for procuratorial organs to supervise the rural law enforcement
WU Yun, LIU Shanjun, ZHU Zailiang, YANG Guozhi, CHENG Xiangpeng, CAO Ye, CHENG Qiaoling
(People’s Procuratorate of Huzhou city, Huzhou313000, China)
Abstract: Nowadays, in the working mechanism for procuratorial organs to supervise the rural law enforcement ,there are so many problems, such as undefined legal status, less regulations of authority, no coercive power in supervisor methods, no independence in legal supervision, which are based on the characters of the rural administrative law enforcement and no supervise right for the procuratorial organs to supervise the administrative law enforcement organs, including the rural law enforcement organs. It is necessary to construct the mechanism for procuratorial organs to supervise the rural law enforcement, according to the principle of judicial rules, the principle of the power structure integrity, the principle of the mutual coordination and restriction of power of decision-making, execution and supervision, and the principle of restraining, form making clear the supervision status and the supervision right, improving the supervision methods, strengthening team construction and funds safeguard, and establishing and perfecting supporting system.
Key words: procuratorial organs; legal supervision; rural administrative law enforcement; supervision mechanism;   improvement path
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