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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 清今文经学的复兴及近代疑古思潮的蔚成大国是由历代学者《尚书》辨伪研究所催发的。由疑文献之伪进到疑史实之伪,至康有为乃谓尧舜、三代历史不可信。近代胡适、顾颉刚援实验主义方法而承其绪,更以全部古史皆伪。由于《尚书》辨伪的影响,适会近代中国中西思想交汇,中国传统史学自疑古开始了现代化的转型,而这一过程是以科学化为实质的。
关键词: 尚书辨伪;今文经学;古文经学;疑古思潮;史学的现代转型;史学科学化
Distinguishing the truthfulness of Shangshu and the New Study of Confucian Classics in Qing Dynasty——Distinguishing the Truthfulness of Shangshu, the New Study of Confucian Classics in Qing Dynasty and Recent Study on the Ideological Trend of Suspecting the Past(1)
QIU Zhicheng
(Institute of Historical Culture and Tourism, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu 610068, China)
Abstract: The idea of suspecting the ancient began a long time ago. Until after Song dynasty many scholars in Confucian classics suspected the truthfulness of the Shangshu. Yan Ruoqu in Qing dynasty made sure of its falsity in his book entitled Explanation and Evidence of Shangshu, which gave rise to the new study of Confucian classics in Qing dynasty. Moreover, this new study suspected not only the truthfulness of historical documents but also the truthfulness of historical facts. In late Qing dynasty Kang Youwei claimed that the history of Yao, Shun and the three dynasties (Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasty) were unbelievable. And in recent age,Hu Shi and Gu Jigang continued this kind of new study by adopting the methods of experimentalism and proposed that “the ancient history of China had been created from generation to generation”. According to this idea, all Chinese ancient history was false(In May the fourth New Cultural Movement this ideological trend of suspecting the ancient and the idea of science and democracy interacted, further resulting in total negation of Chinese traditional culture). Based on the study above this article holds that the recent converging of Chinese and western ideas Chinese traditional history has begun its modern transformation because of the influence of distinguishing the truthfulness of Shangshu. This article is just the first part of study and mainly concerned with the relationship between distinguishing the truthfulness of Shangshu and the new study of Confucian classics in Qing dynasty.
Key words: distinguishing the truthfulness of Shangshu; modern script of Confucian classics; classical Chinese writing of Confucian classics; ideological trend of suspecting the ancient; modern transformation of history; scientizing history
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