自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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(1. 南京师范大学文学院,江苏南京,210097;2. 湖南科技学院中文系,湖南永州,425006)
摘  要: 胡适文学思想中富有深厚的人文关怀精神,他呼吁创造“活文学”和“真文学”,消灭“死文学”和“假文学”。具体而言,胡适文学思想中的人文关怀精神主要体现在两个方面:其一,批判摹仿古人、不能表情达意的死文学,倡导随时而变、善于表情达意的活文学;其二,批判说谎作伪、思力浅薄的假文学,倡导严谨写实、思力深沉的真文学。胡适文学思想中之所以富有这种人文关怀精神,一方面在于他深受中国传统文化中“仁以为己任”思想的影响,另一方面是因他深受西方文化特别是西方人本主义思想的熏陶。
关键词: 胡适;文学思想;人文关怀;死文学;活文学;假文学;真文学
On Hu Shih’s literature thoughts of humanistic spirit
LUO Xuan
(1. College of Liberal Arts, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210097, China;
2. Department of Chinese, Hunan University of Science and Engineering, Yongzhou 425006, China)
Abstract: Humanistic spirit is rich in Hu Shih’s literature thoughts, he called for creating “living literature” and “true literature”, to eliminate the “dead literature” and “false literature”. In particular, Hu Shih’s literary thought of humanistic care spirit is mainly embodied in two aspects: first, critical in imitation of the ancients, unable to communicate views on death literature, advocating changes at any time, know how to communicate views live literature and, second, criticism of lying false testimony, thinking of superficial literature, advocating strict realism and deep thinking power of true literature. Hu Shih’s literature is rich in the thoughts of that spirit of humanism, of which the reason is that he was deeply rooted in Chinese traditional culture. On the one hand, he was influenced by the “benevolence thought the personal responsibility”. On the other hand he was deeply steeped in Western culture, especially Western humanistic ideology.
Key words: Hu Shi literary thought; humanistic concern; dead literature; living literature; false literature; true literature
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